Random CPF Generator

Fake CPF Generator for Software Testing

Our Fake CPF Generator is a tool specifically developed for software developers and testers. Its purpose is to generate fake CPF numbers for system testing and demonstrations, avoiding the exposure of real and sensitive data. The generated numbers follow the official CPF format, such as '999.999.999-99', and are created randomly. Additionally, we offer the option to generate CPF numbers in a simple format, without dots and dashes, if that is more convenient for your needs.

What is the CPF?

The CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) is a tax identification number used in Brazil. It is unique to each individual and is issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. Composed of 11 digits, the CPF serves as essential identification for various purposes, such as opening bank accounts, obtaining credit, conducting financial transactions, and is also necessary for various legal and administrative procedures, such as filing tax returns and obtaining a passport. The first 9 digits of the CPF are sequential numbers that uniquely identify each individual registered in the Federal Revenue system. The last two digits are check digits, calculated based on the first 9 digits using a specific algorithm. This calculation is performed to detect common typing errors and verify the authenticity of the CPF.

How to Use the Tool

To generate a valid CPF for testing, simply choose the desired format, either in the official format (with dots and dashes) or the 'Numbers Only' format (without dots and dashes), and click the 'Generate CPF' button. The tool will then generate a completely random cpf number. You can generate as many numbers as you need for your tests.

Usage Responsibility

It is crucial to remember that the CPFs generated by this tool are fictitious and have no legal validity. They are intended exclusively for educational purposes, testing, and demonstration in system development environments. The misuse of fake CPF numbers can be considered a crime and result in serious legal implications. Therefore, they should not be used in real situations or for any official purposes. Each user is responsible for the proper use of the information obtained through this tool.

Use the Fake CPF Generator responsibly and simplify your testing and system demonstration processes.

[ Wikipedia: CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas), CPF Number ]

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