QR Code Generator

Custom QR Code Generator with Logo

Our QR Code Generator simplifies the creation of custom QR Codes to meet your needs, even incorporating your company's, brand's, or organization's logo. With this tool, you can define various aspects of the generated QR Codes to perfectly align with your brand's visual identity.

Customization Features

In this QR Code Generator, you can make the following adjustments to your QR Code:
  • ✓ Colors: Choose colors that best represent your brand.
  • ✓ Shapes and Colors of the Dots: Select from different shapes and colors of the dots to highlight your QR Code.
  • ✓ Margins and Dimensions: Adjust margins and dimensions for an ideal positioning.
  • ✓ Add Logo: Customize your QR Code by adding your brand's logo.

Available QR Code Types

Create different types of QR Codes according to your needs:
  • ✓ URL/Link QR Codes: Direct users to your website or a specific webpage.
  • ✓ vCard QR Codes: Share your contact information quickly and efficiently.
  • ✓ Email QR Codes: Simplify sending messages with pre-filled emails.
  • ✓ Wi-Fi QR Codes: Enable instant connection to your Wi-Fi network.
  • ✓ SMS QR Codes: Facilitate sending predefined text messages to a specific number.
  • ✓ Text QR Codes: Provide additional information or details in text form.

How to Create and Customize Your QR Code

To create a custom QR Code, start by selecting the type of QR Code you want to create, such as URL, vCard, Email, Wi-Fi, SMS, or Text, and fill in the data as required. Next, customize the design by adjusting the colors, shapes, dimensions, and your brand's logo. With each adjustment, you will see a preview of the generated QR Code to ensure it meets your expectations. If you are satisfied with the result, click the "Download" button to save your custom QR Code..

What is a QR Code?

A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a type of two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone or QR Code reader. They are widely used to store URLs, contact information, texts, among others, allowing users to quickly access this information with a simple scan.

Advantages of Using Custom QR Codes

Using custom QR Codes offers significant advantages for your brand. They can enhance your digital presence, increase engagement with your audience, and boost your marketing campaigns. Additionally, integrating QR Codes into product packaging, business cards, and other promotional materials facilitates access to information and promotes interactivity.

Our Custom QR Code Generator is intuitive and feature-rich, helping you create QR Codes in line with your promotional and marketing strategies.